
Showing posts from 2020

Political Thought & Philosophy of Machiavelli for CSS PCS PPSC UPSC & Masters in universities of World

  Hi Dear aspirants and students of the world welcome to my channel. It is my desire to disseminate knowledge around the world. Let me introduce myself. My name is Prof Dr. Qayum Mangi I am Prof of IR. For aspirants who are intending to appear in the exam of superior service in any country of the world, students pursuing graduation or masters in IR, political science, history of world and studies of philosophies or in other subjects in universities around the world. The Lecture is according to the syllabus of superior service, Colleges, and Universities offering graduation and masters. The aspiring candidates intending to appear for the seeking Job and qualify competitive examination can also benefit from these lectures.   Today I am giving a lecture on the important topic of Political science of CSS and Provincial service. The topic is the political philosophy of Niccolo Machiavelli , he was born on 3rd May 1469 – and died on 21 June 1527 in Florence Italy. He was an Italian ...

Results, Consequences, impact of Conquest of the world by European on Eu...


What were the Negative and positive results, Consequences and impact of Conquest of world by European powers on European People and World as whole?

In the name of most beneficent and merciful Allah Almighty. Hi dear Students, aspirants of CSS UPSC PCS, Competitive exam, students of IR, welcome. Today I will give a lecture on the important topic of IR, Global affairs, European History, British History, History of USA, Political Philosophy & World History. The Topic or The question is that.   What were the Negative and positive results, Consequences, and impact of Conquest of the world by European powers on European People and the World as a whole? What they achieved and lost. The European Historian has presented the academic consequence & result of the conquest of the world in their perspective totally ignoring the Natural cause and subsequent positive consequences on the Subjugated people of the entire world. They presented their analysis in support of victor & vanquished. The consequences and impact of the conquest of the world by European powers in my opinion are Natural, Social, Economic, and religious. I...

International Relations, G.K for Superior Service, Graduation & Masters


Wars since 1900 to 2020, Base for I. R, CSS, PPSC, FPSC SPSC


International Relations for Competitive Examination, Graduation and Masters in any discipline

Hi Dear aspirants and students of world welcome to my blog channel. It is my desire to disseminate knowledge around the world. Let me introduce myself. My name is Prof of IR Prof Dr Qayum Mangi. For a spirants who are intending to appear in the exam of superior service in any country of world, students pursuing graduation or masters in ir, ip, political science, history of world, studies of Regions, economics, Business administration, geography or in other subjects in universities around the world   I am presenting Lecture series for the general and basic study of all subjects. These Lectures are according to the syllabus of superior service, Colleges and Universities offering graduation and masters. The aspiring candidates intending to appear for the seeking Job and qualify competitive examination can also benefit from these lectures, as these are prepared as per requirements of subjects.   I have taught subjects of IR for more than 25 years @ Post Graduate Studies Cent...